Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie Lou HamerNobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free”

Fannie Lou Hamer loved us with her entire life.  Wherever I am whatever I am doing I can feel Fannie Lou Hamer’s love reaching me.  Can you feel it?  Fannie Lou Hamer faced bullets and brutality in her pursuit of the vote.  She and Ella Baker collaborated to create a tangible visible alternative to the electoral politics of their time with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, mentored young Black feminists like June Jordan and created a food justice prototype with her Freedom Farm.   Fannie Lou Hamer’s radical definition of freedom was “Nobody’s free until EVERYBODY’S FREE. ” This card is a reminder that freedom is not an individual pursuit, it is a collective reality. With our breathing right now we can be the activation of Fannie Lou Hamer’s vision. Where is your freedom linked with someone else’s? Find your growth and purpose right there.