In a time where white men traded power and used racist terrorism to exclude everyone else from meaningful participation in social policy Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Baker and many others did not wait for worthy electoral candidates. They created the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, an example of what free equitable collective decision-making could look like. Then they crashed the Democratic National Convention and threatened Lyndon Johnson's whole world.
In a time when dubiously elected officials provided themselves subsidies and let their "constituents" starve and die, Fannie Lou Hamer and many others created the Freedom Farm Cooperative and Ella Baker supported cooperative formation as a form of community autonomy against disenfranchisement.
For obvious reasons we need the lessons of these visionaries now as much as we ever have. Join us for a reflective writing workshop based on the genius and creativity of Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker in order to tap into your own most resourced and revolutionary approach to this time. Captions enabled. Everyone who signs up gets access to the recording.